Attaching Endorsed Go-to-Market Documents

The Sourcing Lead seeks endorsement of the Go to Market documentation from the Evaluation Panel and Chair and the project's procurement authority to certify compliance with the Department’s policies and procedures. If the procurement authority deems the documents are non-compliant the Sourcing Lead recommences the process by amending and reattaching the Go-to-Market documentation and once more seeking approval of the Go-to-Market documentation. If the procurement authority deems the documentation to be compliant, the Sourcing Lead requests approval from the Business Owner to release the RFx to the market (i.e. publish on P2i and QTender). The project's P2i Senior Director or P2i Regional Manager is responsible for attaching the Go-to-Market documents.

Attaching the endorsed Go to Market document set

To attach the Go to Market document set:

  1. Click the Attach Endorsed Go to Market Document Set task.

  2. Review the requirements listed under Task Instructions.

  3. Click the title Go to Market Document Set from the Auto Create Template Links.

  4. Add a title for the approver to understand the purpose of the document set.

    Note For consistency, use the project title and add GTM documents. For example,

    Department/Name of Program/Region(s)/GTM Documents
    DCYJMA Youth at Risk CQ Documents

    Refer to the Naming Conventions page for further guidance.

  5. Add a Description if required.

  6. Click Create.

  7. Click Edit Response to attach documents.

  8. Click Click to attach file next to the Evaluation Plan question.

  9. Click the Select a File to Upload button or drag and drop the Evaluation Plan into the Drag and Drop area.

  10. Click Confirm.

  11. Repeat for each required Go to Market document.

  12. Click Save and Return.

  13. Click Complete and Show Project Team.

  14. Click Back to List.

    Note Once the Go to Market document set has been completed and made available to the project team, you can complete the task.

  15. Click Complete Task next to the Attach endorsed Go to Market document set (RFQ) task.

  16. Click Confirm.

    Note The Promote to Task field allows you to promote the RFQ and the Go to Market document set to the next task, Seek Approval of RFx and Go-To-Market document set (RFQ). You are required to promote the RFQ and the Go to Market document set through the workflow steps as you complete each task.

  17. Add any comments relevant to completing this task.

  18. Attach any files relevant to completing this task.

  19. Click Confirm.

Note The status of the Attach endorsed Go to Market document set task has changed to Completed. You can now move to the next topic, Seeking Approval of RFx and Go-To-Market document set (RFQ).